Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why EMS?

So one of the reasons I love EMS so much, other than the obvious being able to help people, is because it is a job that is never the same. When marking the medic unit en-route you never know what to expect because half the time the dispatch is not even right. I can not even count the times that I thought I was going for something simple and it turned out to be a major medical emergency or it was supposed to be very serious and it turned out to be nothing. Also, things can change in a second. One minute things can be fine and your patient can be up and talking to you and the next they have crashed! You have to be on your toes! EMS in the country is totally different that that of in the city. In the city you are close to a hospital and often have plenty of help at your fingertips, whereas in the country you may be 45 minutes from the nearest hospital and not be able to find anyone to help you. Every call is an adventure where you get to have the rewarding experience of helping people, (and run at high speeds with lights and sirens in the process).